It’s been a productive week! I’m very excited about my new website design.

Rebuilt my website

You’re looking at it! Just three short months after rebuilding my website with Astro, I rebuilt it again. This time, I am using Bridgetown, a static site generator written in Ruby. I did a write-up that goes into more detail but the new feature highlights are:

Organized and backed up my photos

I take care to back up my journal, project, and notebook files every week but neglected to back up my photos. I know it’s something I should do but I just never got around to it. Until it hit me that all of my photos from the last two years of my life-changing Peace Corps journey were on my phone with a cracked screen and a disintegrating case.

I needed a system to ensure that all of my important photos never got lost. As a proponent of open protocols and standards, I didn’t want to just dump them all into one folder and let a photo manager program use a database to deal with it. Especially not a proprietary one.

I’ll do a proper write-up someday but someone had the same idea and built a Python tool that organizes photos into a directory tree of your choosing. It takes your photos, reads the metadata of each one, and puts it into the right folder. By the end, you have all your photos in one place, split up by day.

I took the same tool and all my photos from my phone and computer have been organized into the following format: /YYYY/MM/DD/YYYY-MM-DD-HH<hash>.ext where <hash> is the last 10 characters of the file checksum, unique to each photo. Here’s why it makes sense to me:

Photos dumped into folders isn’t really organized, though, no matter how granular your folders are. There’s no tagging system to find all photos of my dog, for example. It’s not that easy to browse and search for photos. I don’t really need all that, though. I needed a system to back up my photos and that’s what I did. I can rest easy knowing that if my phone gets dropped into a toilet, my photos are safe.

Added rich text editor to Rails

I’ve been building a Rails application that allows users to create their own profile, à la Linktree. As much as I wanted a Markdown based editor, it doesn’t make sense for the user base. Instead, I opted for the included ActionText rich text editor that the Rails guides recommend.

It started out great. It was incredibly easy to implement. I ran bin/rails action_text:install, did some styling, and that was basically it.

The real challenge came when I wanted to customize the toolbar. ActionText uses the Trix rich text editor which is great but not very easy to customize. All I wanted to do was add a button that creates a link somewhere and make it big, like a Linktree item. I spent way too long trying to do that before I gave up.

So, for now, profile pages are edited using standard rich text. Big, important links will come later once I figure out how to do it.

Bits and Bobs

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Weeknotes 2024W36
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