Weeknotes 2024W40
I got sick, watched movies, and added to my professional identity. Weeknotes for the 40th week of the year 2024.
Lure, Résumé, Detail: The 3-Tier Job Search Cake
Everyone is too busy to read all the details. In the context of a job search, I have quick lures to draw people into reading my résumé and other material. Here, there are links to all the details of my professional life should anyone want it. Presenting this in layers communicates my professional identity in appropriate, relevant doses. Similarly, employers should have their own three-tier information cakes to tell their company story.
So Good They Can't Ignore You
A nice short roadmap to finding a truly meaningful career. Ignore what you heard about trying to match your job to your passion. Instead, gain rare and valuable skills that you can trade in later for desirable career traits such as control and a mission.