Cleaned up my résumé and LinkedIn profile

I got an official date for when I will be end my Peace Corps service and go home. Early November! Just a couple of short months away.

As part of this transition, I need to find a job. I spent this week trying to figure out what I want to do in the near future, freshening up my LinkedIn profile, writing up a new résumé, and sending out said résumé for review by my inner circle.1

I’m marketing myself as someone with a unique combination of skills. There are lots of really good engineers out there but they most likely don’t have any real cross-cultural experience, language skills, human-centered design skills, or any of the other soft skills I’ve learned in the last two years. These are important skills that are often neglected in the STEM fields. That is my value proposition and what I will be pushing when people ask why they should hire me.

I did some research on engineering companies and jobs in the Pacific Northwest and found some people I’d like to reach out to for informational interviews. I need more information on how, specifically, I can apply my skills and experiences to create a positive social impact through working.

Started learning geography

Last week, I was with some friends and we pulled out one of those quick country flag quizzes. While doing it, we started talking about where different countries were in the world.

I’ve always known that I was bad at geography. In school, it was just pure memorization that I would quickly brain dump. Whenever I come up on a geography crossword clue, I automatically skip it. But I can change this!

I downloaded an Anki deck and have been slowly making progress. I’m learning all the countries and their capitals, relative locations, and flags. Hong Kong has the most beautiful flag that I’ve come across so far.

Is this a “useful” skill to learn? Not really. Will I finally be able to correctly identify a flag in the wild? I hope so.

Bits and Bobs

  1. I feel pretentious putting a little accent over the e. It also feels weird writing resume. Why are résumé and resume so similar!? 

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