Weeknotes 2025W01

Happy 2025! We made it another year.

To start off the week, I went bowling. Scoring 144, I think I broke a personal record. We had fried bowling alley food and a couple pitchers of beer. Good times.

In media, I watched Amber Alert. It was quite the thriller. I think it did a good job of showing that for all the horrible people out there, there are lots of others who would do anything to do the right thing. I also watched To Catch a Killer. It started off really intriguing but fizzled out in the last quarter.

After a long hiatus, I finally got to play DnD with a new group. It was a quick one shot with lots of puzzles and traps and a couple of combat engagements. In my last campaign, I played as a fighter and got bored of being the tank who absorbed damage and swung his longsword. This time, I tried playing as a rogue and had a bit more fun with it.

I’ve been doing a completely analog productivity/task management system for the past couple of years. Before that, I heavily used Todoist and loved it. This week, I tried going back and setting up a new system. I like everything about it and there are a lot of new features. The only thing that gives me pause is the privacy aspect—I don’t want a company knowing everything I do every single day. The productivity gains might be worth it, though. I’ll try it out this month and see how it goes.

On New Year’s Eve, AM and I went to her friend’s wedding and had so much fun. It was a beautiful venue, lots of good food, an open bar, and lots of dancing and laughing. I wore a lapel pin that I got in Spain and got a lot of compliments on it which was surprising. I also got to try out my new Camp Snap camera and loved how they turned out.

Lastly, I got a haircut. After I got back to the states, I tried to be experimental with a mullet after rocking the “Moroccan fade” for two years. But, I ended up hating it after a few weeks and cut it off.

  • Bridgetown 2024: Year in Review by Jared White. Excited about Bridgetown developments! I know I’m going against the grain here, not using 11ty and all, but Bridgetown is a lot of fun and I like using Ruby.
  • CodingFont by Typogram. Compare monospace fonts to determine which is your favorite. I ended up with Share Tech Mono which I haven’t seen before.
  • A Timeless New Year by Lawrence Yeo at More To That. I prefer making a “new year roadmap” instead of resolutions.
  • Portability is optionality by Justin Duke at Buttondown. Similar to the file over app idea, choose services that let you export your stuff into a reasonable format.
  • Why I’m skeptical of minimum prices for ride-sharing by Dynomight. I love a good economic analysis with a real-world example.
  • Ten things in tech I found joy in during 2024 by Ruben Schade. There’s lots of negative talk in the tech world so it was refreshing to read about some good things. Some of my joys this year were exploring and learning Racket, actually participating in some online communities, and being more “outward” with my writing and website.
  • Media recap 2024 by anh. Incredible designs all over this website from home page to the media recap.
  • Release 25.01 Highlights by Helix editor. Helix has been my daily driver for a while now and it just keeps getting better. I’m having some trouble installing 25.01 but I’ll get that sorted next week.
  • Web page annoyances that I don’t inflict on you here by rachelbythebay. I think the internet would be a much better place if websites didn’t do most of the stuff listed here.
  • lmno.lol blogging platform. This looks really cool! Your whole blog is one file that you drag-and-drop in to deploy it to the web. You keep your content and you don’t have to mess with figuring out a static site generator.

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Weeknotes 2024W52 Weeknotes 2025W02