Weeknotes 2025W03

Since getting home last week, I’ve been enjoying the weather, views, and connecting with people I haven’t seen for a while. AM and I went to have dinner with some friends who bought a house while I was gone. We ate, drank, and talked about everything there was to talk about. Later in the week, we went to another function where we had a fire, had a barbecue, and played one of my favorite card games. I won one round and ended the night with a net income of a whopping $12.

Early in the week, we went to the capitol to watch someone become a state senator. It was a formal parliamentary procedure but interesting nonetheless. We were up above the floor in the gallery and got to see everything happening.

My driver’s license expired while I was in Morocco and I had to go to the DMV because my picture was too old to renew online. I can finally drive again after 28 months! We went and picked up my car that went into disrepair from sitting for two years. My brother fixed it up for me recently all the way down to a new timing belt. She fired right up (with a jump) and it’s been nice to be able to go anywhere, anytime.

The headlights weren’t really working though. They were dim and only one worked when I flipped on the brights. I replaced the bulbs but that didn’t fix the problem. I checked under the bumper and noticed that rats had chewed through some of the headlight wires. So, I’ll have to splice in some new wires this week once I get the special equipment to do it properly.

It’s been so fun doing little chores around the farm. Things like bringing in firewood, picking up dog poop, getting the mail, and moving feed to the barn are so cathartic for me. Being useful and of service to other people brings me peace and fulfillment.

Professionally, I applied to a few government jobs. I’m really excited about one in particular that I am pretty hopeful for. It’ll let me use my engineering skills while also getting to do research and reading on novel technologies. I was also reunited with my iPad that I used for all my school notes in the latter half of university. I exported them all to PDF and flipping through them reignited my interest in engineering.

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Weeknotes 2025W02 Weeknotes 2025W04